In the finale of Season One, John Hulme and Sofia Solimando are invited to sit in on a remote therapy session with Willie Claws, the homeless drifter who haunted No Man's Land for almost thirty years. The goal is help "William" rediscover his true identity, which may be that of convicted murderer Will Haliday, who escaped from the Harlem Valley Psychiatric Center in Wingdale, NY many years ago. But the deeper John, Sofia and Dr. Charles Michaels dive into the patient's past, the more they begin to believe that something "else" is in the Zoom call with them. Something that the creators of this podcast have refused to name out loud for the safety of its listeners...
Produced by Will Schwartz, Marc Ramrekha, Sofia Solimando and John Hulme
Sound Design & Mix by Carmen Borgia
Original Score by Kevin Wiggins
Featured Song by the Majestic Twelve.